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School Board

The Fromberg Board of Trustees meets regularly on the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:00p.m. in the library.  Agendas are posted the Friday before meetings in the Fromberg Post Office, the Edgar Post Office, and the Fromberg School.

School board members have authority only when the board meets in official session and a quorum is present. The board is responsible for setting policy and meeting requirements set by the Montana Legislature and State Board of Education Rules. All school board meetings are conducted in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order, Revised.
All school board meetings, work sessions and committee meetings are open to the public in accordance with Montana Law except for specific sessions (called Executive Sessions). The board, the superintendent, the school board attorney, and appropriate staff members may meet to discuss bargaining agreements.
The superintendent is appointed by the school board and has administrative authority for the direction and operation of the school system under policies adopted by the school board.  

Board Members

Kristin Bauwens

Titles: Board Chair
Departments: School Board

Caleb Berglee

Titles: Vice Chairman
Departments: School Board

Chad Blasi

Departments: School Board

John Carter

Departments: School Board

Jason Peterson

Departments: School Board